Painting the Truth

The Ides of March have taken a curious turn–the long awaited, feverishly whispered about, speculated on, dramatized, and polarizing Mueller Report has finally walked into the light of day–and it did not contain the heralded doomsday that Democrats were savoring for after two years of waiting. Rather than sound the trumpets of Mr. Trump’s impeachment,…

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In the Shadow of Chairman Mao…

In the Opinion section of this past Sunday’s Wall Street Journal, weekly columnist Peggy Noonan, penned an article wondering aloud if nineteen years into the 21st century, America doesn’t resemble to tremulous and ideologically-charged landscape that Mao Zedong’s 1960’s inhabited. One quick swivel of the head around the streets and cellphones of America and it…

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New Month, Same Old Swamp….

A few more memes to remind you the idiots are always out there campaigning to convince you otherwise, waving their flags for nations of their own facile imagination, heroes for their own bank accounts and the desperate servants of their own reflections, cantankerous, horrifically cosmetic, wildly sensational, gleefully neurotic, spellbinding in stupidity, more hysterical at…

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